SB Annual Meeting (Dec. 2023)

Join us at the Thayer Public Library Logan Auditorium at 7:30 pm for our 2023 Annual Meeting.
Our guest speaker will be Bill Bottiggi, General Manager of Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD).
Bill will walk us through BELD’s efforts to get Braintree’s electricity to 100% carbon neutral by 2050, as well as other programs offered to save energy and reduce our collective carbon footprint.

Our guest presentation will be followed by the election of Sustainable Braintree’s Board for 2024 as well as a discussion of priorities for the coming year.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

RSVP via our Facebook page: SB Annual Meeting 2023


Dec 07 2023


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

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